Category: Advocacy
District superintendents meet with legislators on BOCES Advocacy Day
On Feb. 26, 2025, district superintendents from across the state met with lawmakers to advocate for the coalition’s legislative priorities and voice their support S.528 (Mayer)/A.3430 (Conrad) -An act to amend the education law, in relation to the salaries of certain teachers and aids employed by boards of cooperative educational services. BOCES of NYS asks … Continue reading “District superintendents meet with legislators on BOCES Advocacy Day”
Feb. 1 Testimony of BOCES of New York State
Read BOCES District Superintendent Dan White’s February 1st testimony to the NYS Legislature on behalf of the BOCES of NYS.
Testimonies of BOCES of New York State
Read BOCES District Superintendent Dan White’s Oct. 2023 testimonies to the NYS Legislature on behalf of the BOCES Educational Consortium.
Testimony of BOCES of New York State
Read BOCES District Superintendent Dan White’s Feb. 2023 testimony to the NYS Legislature on behalf of the BOCES Educational Consortium
Jan. 2023: Ensure Universal Access to School Meals
New York state should fund a Universal Meal Program for all schools participating in the National School Lunch Program.
Jan. 2023: BOCES of NYS Calls On New York To Address Critical Workforce Shortages
Statewide, BOCES and school districts continue to face shortages of the qualified personnel needed to provide essential services.
2023 Legislative and Budget Priorities
The 37 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services support the following legislative and budget priorities for 2023. Visit the Advocacy page to learn more.
Feb. 23 Advocacy Letter: CTE Program Support
CTE programs help ensure that businesses in New York have skilled workers, which is essential to their success and that of the state’s economy. Despite these important contributions and proven successes, the state’s funding for CTE programs has not kept pace with program needs
Career & Technical Education Position Paper (2022)
A skilled and professional workforce is the backbone of our state and local communities. Modernizing the reimbursement structure would help meet two pressing priorities: Overcoming a “talent shortage” to propel our state’s economy and providing today’s young people with every opportunity for future success.
2022 Legislative Priorities
Increase aidable salary for CTE programs, preserve and protect expense-based aids, support the continued phase-in of Foundation Aid, support and promote access to mental health services, and support efforts to address the school bus driver shortage