BOCES by the numbers...
Cooperative educational services you can count on!
For 76 years, the 37 BOCES of New York have provided shared educational programs and services to school districts across the state. With BOCES as a partner, school districts can be strategic in deploying shared programs that serve students from all districts regardless of their enrollment, income or size of tax base.
Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) are continuously looking to the future to develop and evolve programs that align with the needs of their students, school districts and communities. This data report showcases the successes of BOCES students, school districts and programs over the past 12 months. We are proud of our role in this work.

cooperative bids were organized by BOCES 37 this past year.

students were enrolled in instructional programs at BOCES throughout the state.

businesses had representatives serve on BOCES CTE advisory councils.

high school students advanced their learning through New Tech High School, Early College High School, dual enrollment, and P-TECH programs that are closely linked with business and higher education.
BOCES’ mission is to educate every individual, regardless of their interest, age or ability. We collaborate with our districts to develop programs designed to enhance student achievement.
Many BOCES programs are instructional and include, but are not limited to:- career and technical programs for high school students
- services for students with disabilities
- professional development
- mental health programs
- instructional technology
- itinerant teacher services
- English as a Second Language, high school equivalency and gifted and talented programs
- regional summer school

On average
of CTE graduates
went on to college after graduation..
adult students
adult students improved their language comprehension, speaking and literacy skills through English as a Second Language (ESL) programs instructed by BOCES.
students’ needs
were supported in special education classrooms operated by a BOCES.
adult students
broadened their employment options by taking High School Equivalency (HSE) courses taught by a BOCES teacher.
On Average
of CTE graduates
entered the workforce directly after graduation.
students developed
college and career-ready skills through CTE programs taught by BOCES.
CTE students
graduated with a high school diploma or equivalent during the 2022-23 school year
At least
college credits
were earned by students enrolled in specialized high school programs.
BOCES are the premier example of inter-municipal collaboration in New York state. We are able to leverage the strength of multiple school districts to provide a wide variety of services that, individually, school districts could not provide because the costs would be prohibitive.
Through collaboration, BOCES is able to provide non-instructional support services that help school districts contain costs. Examples include:- Actuarial Services
- Business Office
- Digital Records Management
- Duplication and Printing Services
- Food Service Management
- Grant Writing
- Human Resource Management
- Internal Audit Services
- Labor Relations
- Medicaid Data Processing
- Public Relations and Public Engagement
- Safety and Risk Management
- Substitute Services
- Teacher Certification
- Transportation
- Technology and Cyber Services
- Transportation Services

- Onondaga-Cortland-Madison: $2,300,000
- Orange-Ulster: $500,000
- Dutchess: $250,000
- Eastern Suffolk: $8,898,945
- Capital Region: $600,000
- Clinton-Essex- Warren-Washington: $50,000
- Erie 2: $30,000
- CA: $70,000
- Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego: $5,590,000
colleges and universities
have joined articulation agreements with BOCES CTE programs.
of districts
received support from the Regional Information Centers in effectively utilizing student management systems.
districts share
central business office staff or functions via BOCES
school districts
currently participate in a BOCES coordinated health benefits consortium.
BOCES drew
to their professional development workshops.
buildings are leased
by BOCES where the BOCES is responsible for maintenance of the building.
BOCES has a vast network of education and industry professionals who help foster career skills. These partnerships provide a pipeline of skilled workers and circulate millions of dollars back into the local economy. BOCES statewide stand ready to expand educational programs and services to meet the need to grow the skilled workforce around the state.
79 new CTE programs have been developed over the past three years through partnerships and guidance from local businesses, including:- Clean Energy and Battery Renewal
- Home Health Care Aide
- Agricultural Sciences
- Fashion Design and Merchandising
- Early Childhood Education
- Emergency Medical Science
- Firefighting
- Heavy Equipment Repair
- Animal Science
- Construction Skills
- Applied Engineering
- Advanced Culinary Experience
- Cybersecurity/Programming
- Automotive Technology
adult students
improved their job prospects by enrolling in BOCES workforce development courses.
students worked
side-by-side with industry professionals in honors-level career courses through BOCES New Visions programs.

- Albany Medical Center
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Dunn Paper
- National Grid
- NYS Department of Labor
- NYS Power Authority
- NYS Department of Social Services
- NYS Center for Workforce Development
- St. Peter’s Health Care
- Seneca Nation of Indians
- Walmart Distribution Center
- Workforce Investment Board
BOCES plays a critical role in creating a skilled workforce that contributes significantly to New York’s economy. Valued partners from the business community help shape BOCES programs so that the unique needs of each region’s economy are being met.
BOCES across the state are working to meet the need for skilled labor by tailoring programs to support the specific Regional Economic Development Council priorities of each region, including:
- Western New York: Welding, New Visions Health Professions, Product Design
- Finger Lakes: Culinary Arts, Digital Media, Exercise Science, Advanced Manufacturing
- Southern Tier: Building Trades, Nurse Assisting, Heavy Equipment, Business Administration
- Central New York: Physical Therapy Professions, Lab Technician, Heavy Equipment Repair
- Mohawk Valley: Child and Family Services, Culinary Arts, Health Occupations, Environmental Conservation, Criminal Justice
- North Country: Natural Resource Science, Agricultural Sciences, Cosmetology, Veterinary Practices
- Capital Region: Digital Gaming/Software/IT, Offshore Wind Industry, Sterile Processing Technician, HVAC-R
- Mid-Hudson: Dental Assistant, Cyber Tech, Emergency Medical Services, Computer Programming
- Long Island: Exercise Medicine, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Automatic Heating
4,596 businesses are on BOCES CTE advisory councils and/or consultant/trade committees. Including:
- John Deer Land Pro
- Hudson Valley Council of Industry
- Air National Guard
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Workforce Development Board
- Chamber of Commerce
- Advance Auto
- Curtis Lumber
- Car Dealerships
- Construction Companies
- Labor Department
78% of BOCES reported participating in piggyback contracts, including:
- Technology Purchases
- Supplies and Matertials
- Federal General Services Administration